1909 W. Main Street, Williamston NC 27892
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Lawn, Turf, and Pest Control
Agriculture Sprayers
Vegetation Management
Catalogs & Resources
Reddick Equipment Catalog
100 & 200 Gallon Poly DeIcing Sprayers
1000 Gallon Poly DeIcing Sprayers
110 Gallon High Pressure - Fruit & Vegetable Sprayer
15 & 25 Gallon ATV Sprayer w/Boomless Nozzle
15 & 25 Gallon Economy Spot Sprayers
150 & 200 Gallon Poly Skid Sprayers
150 & 200 Gallon Super Skids
200 & 300 Dual-Tank Combo Poly Skid Sprayers
200 Gallon PCO Skid Sprayer
200 Gallon Poly Space-Saver Dimensions w/Storage Box
200, 300 and 400 Gallon Poly Space-Saving Containers
25 Gallon 12V LP Skid Sprayer
25 Gallon Dual Tank Skid Sprayer with Reel
25 Gallon HD Super Skid 12 Volt Sprayer
300 & 400 Gallon Poly Skid Sprayers
300 & 400 Gallon Poly Space-Saver w/Enclosed Storage
300 & 400 Gallon Poly Space-Saver w/Enclosure & Roll-Up Doors
300 & 500 Gallon Poly DeIcing Sprayers
300 & 500 Gallon S7/S8 Series Trailer Sprayers
300 & 500 Gallon Tobacco Sprayers
300 Gallon Compact Poultry House Sprayers
300 Gallon Pasture & Tobacco Sprayer
300, 400 & 500 Gallon S5NG Sprayers
35 Gallon Super Skid 12 Volt Sprayer
50 & 100 Gallon 3 Point Hitch Units
50 & 100 Gallon LP Poly Skid Sprayers
50 & 100 Gallon Poly Skid Sprayers
50 & 100 Gallon Trailer Sprayers
50 & 100 Gallon UTV Sprayers (Aluminum Frame)
50 & 100 Gallon UTV Sprayers (Steel Frame)
50 Or 100 Gallon Low Profile Poly Skid
50 Or 100 Gallon LP Poly Skid Sprayer
50, 100, or 200 Gallon 4-Wheel Nursery Cart Sprayers
50- Or 100- Gallon Side Mounted Skid Sprayer
500 & 1000 Gallon Poly Skid Sprayers
500 Gallon Poultry House Sprayer
55 Gallon 3PTH Handgun Sprayer
600 Gallon Poly Space-Saver w/Storage Box
9 Gallon 12 Volt - Rechargeable Sprayer
ATV 150 Gallon Trailer Sprayers
Commercial Heavy-Duty Trailer Sprayers
Coulter Applicator
Direct Drive Ditcher
Dual Tank Conventional Poly Skid Sprayer
Enclosed Pro-Series Spray Truck
Front Mount Tank Assemblies
Ground Driven Liquid Applicators
Hydraulic Drive Ditcher
In-Line • Single-Tube Side Mounts
Large Dual-Tank Poly Skid Sprayer
Lay-By Sprayer
Little Soil Squirt
Mix-N-Fill Units
Multi-Tank 300/100/50 Combo Poly Skids Sprayers
Nurse Tank Trailer
Off-Set Ditcher with Chain Drive & Clutch
Professional Spray Truck (400 Series)
Professional Spray Truck (800 Series)
Professional Spray Truck (850 Series)
RMC-10.5 Plastic Puller
RMC-100 Hole Punch
RMC-105 Mulch Lifter
RMC-160 Single Row Mulch Layer
RMC-172 Single Row Mulch Layer
RMC-360F/RMC-372F - 3 Row Mulch Layers
RMC-360R/RMC-372R - 3 Row Mulch Layers
RMC-372PB/RMC-360PB Pre-Bedders
RMC-460 Water Wheel • Transplanter
S3 Series - 110 Gallon 3PTH Handgun Sprayer
S3 Series – 110 Gallon 3PTH Sprayer
S4 HD Series – 200 & 300 Gallon Heavy-Duty Sprayers
S4 Series – 150 & 200 Gallon 3PTH Sprayers
S5 HD Sprayers - Bridged Boom 200, 300 & 400 Gallon
Semi-Enclosed HD Poly Body Spray Truck
Single Tube Side Mounts
Sponge Weed Wipers
Tobacco Barn Ordering Cart
Turf Skid Sprayers
Turf Trailer Sprayers